Smoke Between Trees

Smoke Between Trees

An intimate portrait of a reluctant Grandfather on a heart-warming journey of transformation - one that will lead him back to a home unlike any he ever imagined. Set amongst the breathtaking beauty of the Blue Mountains, Michael Joy’s Smoke Between Trees is an uplifting and moving story about family and identity.

  • An intimate portrait of a reluctant Grandfather on a heart-warming journey of transformation - one that will lead him back to a home unlike any he ever imagined. Set amongst the breathtaking beauty of the Blue Mountains, Michael Joy’s Smoke Between Trees is an uplifting and moving story about family and identity.

    Tiriel Mora is impeccable as Mathew Higgins, a man coming to terms with being a grandfather. Elly Chatfield is impressive and warm as Francine, an art gallery owner and grandmother to Ari, wonderfully portrayed by Robert-Joseph Slockee, a child caught between families and cultures.

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